Checked baggage that is tagged with a Priority Tag can be claimed first when it arrives at the destination airport, thus shortening the waiting time.
Official Website of Tigerair Taiwan, Manage Itinerary, Customer Service Center, Airport Counter.
The number of pieces of priority baggage available for each flight is limited.
The priority service for purchased checked baggage with additional priority baggage includes all purchased kilograms (no limit on the number of pieces).
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The actual price is subject to announcements on the Official Website of Tigerair Taiwan.
Tigerair Taiwan fans, we have heard your voices! Tigerair Taiwan launched the "tigerflexi waive the change fee (One-time)" service, which provides Tigerair Taiwan fans with a "One-time Single Itinerary Rescheduling Service" when ordering flight tickets, thus making the arrangement of your itinerary more flexible!
Only on the Official Website of Tigerair Taiwan
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For detailed seat information, please refer to explanations on the official website.
(With Effect From April 16, 2023)
For more information, please refer to explanations on the official website.